Master's thesis

During the third semester students are primarily engaged in writing their master’s thesis. A thesis proposal (Exposé) will be expected by the supervising professors.

Further details regarding the application process can be obtained here. In a pilot project for the department of Economics and Law, MIDE students will apply for their thesis writing period via Moodle. This will be possible from 8 January until 3 February 2024 for students who intend to write their thesis in the summer term 2024.

Information on application and writing period dates, guidelines concerning the choice of topic and supervisors as well as required documents is available for download under “Thesis Guideline”. This form furthermore specifies the evaluation criteria which supervisors follow as well as frequent difficulties that students have experienced while writing. Please read the form carefully and in case of questions contact the MIDE Office.

It is also possible to borrow Master’s theses (of MIDE alumni) from the library to get a better understanding of what is expected or to get ideas for a topic.



Borrowing a thesis from the library