

MIDE graduates and students stay in touch via the LinkedIn group "MIDE Alumni of HTW Berlin". Membership is granted to graduates and students of the programme only. Members share information on jobs and PhD programmes as well as discuss ideas about the development economics field.

Career and alumni portal

HTW Berlin also offers a career and alumni portal in which MIDE hosts its own dedicated community. Programme graduates and current students are registered automatically, allowing them to keep in touch. The community also provides access to internships, job offers and PhD opportunities.

Connect with Fellow Alumni at Our Upcoming Conferences

Stay connected and expand your professional network by joining us at our alumni conferences. These events offer a unique opportunity to reconnect with old friends, meet new colleagues, and engage in thought-provoking discussions.

  • Networking: Reconnect with classmates and meet new professionals from diverse fields.
  • Professional Development: Gain new insights and participate in workshops designed to enhance your skills.
  • Community Building: Strengthen your bond with the alumni community and contribute to its growth.

Don’t miss out on these enriching experiences. Visit our Alumni Conferences Page for more details. Let's build a stronger, more connected alumni network together!

Upcoming Events