Health insurance

Health insurance

In general, applicants will be required by the embassy to provide proof of health insurance before they come to Germany. Travel insurance is sufficient for the embassy, although not for enrolment at the university. European students: the European health insurance card will be valid.

It is mandatory for all students to have valid health insurance for studying in Germany. Applicants cannot be enrolled if they do not have health insurance. We recommend choosing a public (statutory) health insurance provider. However, students are free to also choose one of the many private health insurance providers in Germany.

Please ask your German statutory health insurance (in case of a private health insurance you can contact any statutory health insurance in Germany) to report your insurance status using the notification reason 10 for Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft – HTW Berlin. A copy of your insurance card or a confirmation of insurance are not sufficient. More details.

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Public (Statutory) health insurance

The health insurance contribution for students is the same with every public health insurance company in Germany, currently approx. € 120 per month. Details and contact information can be obtained from the MIDE office. A contract can be arranged from home prior to arrival in Germany.

Please note: students must be under 30 years of age to be able to register with a public insurance provider under the abovementioned conditions. Furthermore, the public health insurance will only come into effect from the start of the semester (1 April). Applicants arriving before this date must arrange travel insurance cover which is only valid until the start of the semester.

Private health insurance

This option usually applies for students who are older than 30 because they are a low-priced alternative to a public health insurance. There are many insurance providers on the market, please look into the options on your own.

Please note: the premiums charged by private health insurances may vary. Experience shows that although the monthly premiums are less, you might run into problems once you need their services. Thus students aged 30 or younger are strongly advised to take out a public health insurance!

This private insurance cover is also valid before you start your studies and additional travel insurance would therefore not be necessary. Just arrange the contract with them for the time of your arrival.

All students taking out a private insurance must apply for exemption from German public insurance. Any public insurance provider can confirm the exemption and will subsequently report your insurance status using the notification reason 10 for Hochschule für Technik und Wirtschaft – HTW Berlin.


The health insurance status you choose now will remain throughout your student life in Germany (also if you continue your studies, e.g. in a PhD programme) and cannot be changed, unless you turn 30 or your student status is interrupted in between studies.

When opening a blocked account, most providers offer an all-in-one solution that includes student health insurance.